This is a bit shameful for a book coach to admit…

This is a bit shameful for a book coach to admit…

I am a bit ashamed to admit that I never wanted to write a book (which is kind of embarrassing for a book coach). And here’s the #1 reason why! I’m sharing this because a lot of trainers have the same doubt. It’s this: “The market is crowded with books. ‘Everyone’...
To bare or not to bare your soul in your book?

To bare or not to bare your soul in your book?

Some authors really bare their soul in their books, but is it necessary? Do personal stories make the difference between success and failure as a business book author? A personal example Let me give you an example of a personal story of mine: “I write like I practice...
Here’s what I love about finishing…

Here’s what I love about finishing…

I am a self-declared “finishing freak.” I love deadlines. Over my years as a business journalist at Fairfax Media (now Channel Nine), I became addicted to finishing. I wrote and published between 80,000 and 100,000 words a year. At first, finishing a story was a huge...