Yikes! Toddler Tantrum!

Yikes! Toddler Tantrum!

I got stared down by a toddler the other day. Yikes. The big advantage that toddlers have in any showdown is utter conviction that they are right. They don’t worry about the consequences of eating a TimTam, they just want it. NOW! The toddler in question didn’t want a...
Cheesecakes are cheesecakes. Books are books.

Cheesecakes are cheesecakes. Books are books.

Cheesecake never changes. Different toppings, maybe. Better or worse, certainly. But cheesecake is cheesecake. And that’s why we love it, right? Marketing is changing. AI is turning our world upside down. But books are books. They are still on top of the ladder when...
Writing a non-fiction book with AI

Writing a non-fiction book with AI

I asked my AI writing assistant for 10 ways it could help me write a non-fiction book. Here’s what it said. Research Assistance: AI can assist with researching facts, figures, and relevant data for a non-fiction book. Data Analysis: AI can analyse large amounts of...