Your book marketing must come from the heart

Your book marketing must come from the heart

Have you read the Uluru Statement from the Heart? It’s powerful. Poetic. Inspiring. A lesson for all writers. The headline, for one, is beautiful. The reference to the “heart” provides the resonant metaphor in the title. The statement was written after one of the most...
Have you experienced the “writer’s high”?

Have you experienced the “writer’s high”?

I am a child of the ’60s, a time when we didn’t realise just how dangerous all those recreational drugs were… But now we know. So, we’ve all turned to jogging, hugging, and smiling to release all those happy chemicals. Great ideas, one and all, but you may have...
Most business books fail, so how can you stand out.

Most business books fail, so how can you stand out.

Brace yourself for a shocking truth… The brutal reality is that most business books fail. Yes, you read that right. Failure is the norm in this busy, fragmented-focus world. No one reads them. No one even starts them. You have poured your heart and soul into writing...
Writing a non-fiction book with AI

Writing a non-fiction book with AI

I asked my AI writing assistant for 10 ways it could help me write a non-fiction book. Here’s what it said. Research Assistance: AI can assist with researching facts, figures, and relevant data for a non-fiction book. Data Analysis: AI can analyse large amounts of...
Why planning beats pantsing

Why planning beats pantsing

I have many skills and talents, but finding my way without clear directions is not one of them. That’s why in my Utopian world, everyone would be born with a GPS chip implanted in their brains. Yet, like a crazy woman, I tried to write my first book without any...
AI can push your writing limits

AI can push your writing limits

Push yourself past your writing limits as an author. It’s now possible. It’s this aspect of AI Writing Assistants I love the most. It’s liberating. What are the opportunities? Well, you can go beyond your usual thoughts and preconceived ideas, explore new writing...