Get traditional publishers in a bidding war for your book: Tip #6
If you want to win a publishing deal, or even spark a bidding war, here is number 6 in my top 10 tips.
Tip# 6: Base your ideas in the real world. Tell us how. Make it practical.

Want to win a publishing deal? Target their Achilles heel.
Publishers love controversy. Otherwise, why would Andrew Bolt, conservative columnist, get column space? Certainly not on the quality of his arguments.

Publishing: How to avoid rejection slips
If you have pitched your book to multiple publishers, and received only rejections, does it mean there is something wrong with your book? Of course not.

Writing for revenge: Should you take up the Poison Pen?
The whole world is talking about the season of peace and joy; what better time to consider the idea of writing for revenge? (Well, probably any other time.)?

When to give away a copy of your book
You slaved over your book, spending your most precious commodity: your time. Then you paid for coaching, editing, design and printing.