How to write a compelling start to every blog post

How to write a compelling start to every blog post

Imagine you’re gossiping (or, more politely, networking) with your best mate. “Did you hear about Sue’s husband?” might be your opening gambit. Or “I caught up with James the other day.”

When we are relaxed, we know how to get the full attention of our mates for a good story. It’s not so easy to translate this into creating content on the web.

Content marketing for the naturally reticent

Content marketing for the naturally reticent

Annie Bolitho is an expert at facilitation. The more complex the issue and the more diverse the stakeholders, the happier Bolitho is to help.

Naturally reticent about “selling”, Bolitho has taken an unusual approach to content marketing that allows her to combine her skills as well as her interests, and it’s delivering benefits.

Can your ideas stand up to critics?

Can your ideas stand up to critics?

Not everyone agrees with my thoughts on media relations. For example, I recommend to my clients that, when they pitch a story, they alert the journalist to a contact who disagrees with them! That’s because I ensure my views and ideas can stand up to critics.

I have good reasons for my position on this.

Five kick-arse awesome acts to save our planet (and make your blog a disaster)

Five kick-arse awesome acts to save our planet (and make your blog a disaster)

Are you guilty of overpromising? I am. And I realised the full extent of my descent into this murky, desperate habit when I dropped into my favourite bookshop, Readings in Carlton, yesterday.

The shelves were replete with headlines making big promises – and I mean big. Entire planets saved, personal problems evaporated, business profits tripled, five steps to personal enlightenment. Admittedly, I was in the philosophy, business and personal development sections.

“Hoffice”: A cool productivity hack for struggling bloggers

“Hoffice”: A cool productivity hack for struggling bloggers

If you are struggling to get your blog written on a regular basis, here’s a productivity hack that might help you. It sure helped me today.

It’s an idea invented by a Swedish group – they have called it “Hoffice”. It’s a whole new way of working from home – working from each other’s homes, actually – but it’s not just about networking. It is about productivity.