What you need to know about dead white men

What you need to know about dead white men

“Something Wicked This Way Comes” by Ray Bradbury “The Fault in our Stars” by John Green “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley How did these authors come up with such great book titles? They didn’t. They stole them from Shakespeare. It’s the same with the book “Infinite...
Your readers don’t want to take your advice

Your readers don’t want to take your advice

As Myriam sat down and snuggled her legs beneath her on the armchair, book in hand, tea on the side table, ready for a session with her latest book, a little voice in her head kept whispering…

Can I stop reading now?

It’s so weird.  Even though as readers, we pick up a book because of pain or a problem we want to solve, we feel reluctant to change. 

#10 You can get a publishing deal if your self-published book sells well

#10 You can get a publishing deal if your self-published book sells well

In 2011, a small Australian press published a few thousand copies of E L James’ Fifty Shades of Grey.

James won a publishing deal even though she had published the book for free on a fan-fiction website. 

That turned out to be a smart move.

Her books have sold over 150 million copies worldwide, and been translated into around 50 languages, Alexander Alter wrote in the New York Times last year. 

James became the highest-paid author in the world in 2013, with an annual income of USD95 million, according to the US business magazine, Forbes.