The biggest problem my clients have when they come to write their book is TOO MANY IDEAS. Let me help you decide what to include and what to leave out in your book.
My clients are experts in their fields. They coach, train and speak. They know a lot of stuff, and they learn more every day. And they never stop learning. So, when they sit down to write that vast knowledge, they feel overwhelmed. Of course.
So here’s what we do. I work with my clients to decide, with forensic precision, who they are writing their book for. One person, a real person, that you know and (in the case of a business book) you have worked with. Let’s call her Jane. Two criteria:
- They value you and your expertise (because they take your advice), and
- You like them (because choosing a reader encourages more like them to turn up in your life.
OK, here is the magic. Once you know who you’re writing for, you know what to say to them. So, when you are considering which of your ideas to include in your (first) book, ask yourself:
Would Jane find this idea valuable? Does she need to know this information?”
The idea goes in the book if your answer is ‘yes’.
The idea goes out if your answer is ‘no’.
But of course, you can always put it in the next book.
How do you decide what is valuable?