It was back in 2013 when I made my first heart-stopping investment in myself and my business.
I’d just been made redundant after 15 years as a journalist when the masthead I was editing closed. AND I was on the wrong side of 50.
I was pretty scared — I’d lost my identity along with my job. But I decided to build a business instead of looking for a job, and I bought my first training program. The mentoring program was one-fifth of all the money I had in the world.
But I took the plunge. Within three months, that money I invested returned over 10 times what I paid.
Not every investment I have made in training has paid off. But when you are in business, you have to spend money to make money. (And if you want to spend money with me, you will SAVE more than you spend.)
Book a call with me and find out if you should invest in writing a book.