“Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That’s why it’s so hard,” writes author David McCullough a two-time recipient of the Pulitzer Prize.
Clarity happened for Mike Adams, author of “Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell”.
“I’m an engineer who became a successful salesperson by using the right story at the right time,” Mike explains. “That’s what my book is about, and I’ll tell you I wrote the book, so my consulting and training business had collateral to give to CEOs and sales leaders…
“I’ll admit to some dreams about being a bestseller, but I knew that was pretty unlikely. Mostly, I wrote the book for myself. By writing our ideas down, we’re explaining things to ourselves, which is quite fundamental to developing ideas.”
And Mike’s clarity has a strong appeal. “The book actually did pretty well. I get messages from people all over the world, and it’s up to about 130 reviews on Amazon, which is definitely better than average. Plus, every now and then I’ll get a pretty big cheque when someone’s obviously ordered 50 or 100 of the books for their sales team. That’s still happening, although the book was published in 2018.”
He was amazed at the connections that came from writing his book.
“Now that I have written the book, it’s like a fabulous thing happened to me. I wrote a book that other sales trainers admire. That has made me fantastic connections all around the world with people I never thought I’d be having conversations with. One of them was Michael Bosworth, who wrote Solution Selling, which is a classic. After I finished Seven Stories, I found his address and sent him the manuscript. He actually read it and liked it so much that agreed to write the foreword. Then he narrated it in the audiobook version. If you’d told me that writing a book would lead to things like that, I wouldn’t have believed you.”
Mike’s strategies to get genuine Amazon reviews are clever and unusual. If you’d like the skinny on how he did it, email me at [email protected] and receive my e-book, “Author to Author”, with five case studies and marketing and promotion tips from each of these successful authors.