Whenever you write persuasively on any topic, you know you have done your work when the reader asks a single question.
That question is “how”.
Lose 10kg in 10 days. Win new clients without making a single cold call. Find the perfect life partner on a dating app.
These are all big claims. (And in this case, they are BS.) But as a blogger or author, you must make big claims that are true and persuade us—your readers—that you are right. And, as soon as you have made your point, follow up by telling your reader what to do.
Readers want a prescription to solve their problems. By that I mean a step-by-step process to take them from where they are (miserable) to where they want to be (blissful).
You can have lots of fun devising activities for readers to do as they read your book. Even if you just want them to reflect on your ideas, set them little tasks, such as:
- Make a list of all the [points you have just told them]
- Talk to a friend about [your idea]
- Take a walk, breathing in the fresh air, and imaging [they are where you want them to be].
- Tick all that apply from this list [of points you want them to understand]
- Write down the most valuable takeaway from this post.
What is a favourite activity you like to do when you are learning something new?