Every midnight, ABC radio presenter, Tony Delroy, presents “Tomorrow’s news tonight”, a segment in whichhe presents the front page headlines and stories from the major newspapers in every city.

But when the reporters from online challenger to the Australian Financial Review, Business Spectator, started publishing their own round-up of daily business news, The Distillery, they riled the old media proprietors (long since departed from Fairfax).  Old media is full of such anachronisms. But those days are gone.

New media thrives on sharing content. Every day, as I research the latest thinking on content marketing, I find valuable stories and Tweet them or post them to LinkedIn. No point in re-inventing the wheel.

For example, I found an interesting story about posting content on Google+ exploring whether Google search preferences its own social media site. One of my favourite sources, the Content Marketing Institute, published this story arguing that being known as an “expert” is less important today than proving with every story that you publish.

The “list” story – a kind of overused, but reliable format in our social world – got this nice twist from CopyBlogger: 37 Tips for Writing Emails that Get Opened, Read, and Clicked.

37? Man, that guy thought of tips until he could think no more.

Of course, I could hardly pass up the opportunity when I saw this post, extolling the many things that content marketers could learn from journalists.

And when I tweeted this story, it got so many shares that I ended up trending on Twitter.

Before you know it, you have created a digest of interesting thoughts, ideas and links. Yes, you have to do the research, but if you love what you do, and are constantly reading about it, that’s no problem. And, of course, you have just saved all your readers — who love your passion only slightly less than you do – heaps of time.

Digests? Love ‘em.