Could you plan out your next book this Easter?

Could you plan out your next book this Easter?

You know how you always get your best ideas in the bath or the shower? I believe the scientists know all the neurochemical reasons, but as far as I am concerned, it’s because you are relaxed. Whenever I relax, great ideas pop into my mind. When I am tense or anxious, my ideas are sh*t (which makes me feel more tense and anxious. Sigh.)

This Easter, put your book outline up on the wall. One page per chapter, one topic per chapter with three to five topics under each chapter message. Once you have stuck them up on the wall, you can look at all your chapters together

Your stake in the sand: How writing down your ideas protects your IP

Your stake in the sand: How writing down your ideas protects your IP

Books are a generous gift. As an expert writing about your expertise you will share so much of your wisdom, your experience, your hard-won lessons. Typically, within the stories and idea you capture with sheer dedication and determination, is everything you know about how people can get out of a problem they face. Often, the contents of your book are the very intellectual property (IP) that you charge your clients thousands of dollars for.