Does content marketing work for “boring” industries?

Does content marketing work for “boring” industries?

Suffering insomnia? Here are some magic words that will put you to sleep in seconds: superannuation; accounting; balance sheet; facilities management in commercial office buildings; storage.

But what if that is your gig? What if you are responsible for the content marketing campaign in any one of those so-called “boring” industries? Can you write “sticky” stories that your readers simply must read right now, this minute, if that’s your brief?

How to get the most value out of your LinkedIn posts

How to get the most value out of your LinkedIn posts

Whether you are trying to appeal to other businesses or position yourself for finding a high-paying job, LinkedIn is a social network you can’t ignore. Posting on this social network, which has over 250 million active members, is a great way to grow your brand and generate income.

Let’s stop trying to make feminism popular

Let’s stop trying to make feminism popular

Many women are troubled by the idea that identifying as a feminist will pigeonhole them, create a false impression (of some sort) and limit their prospects.

The fact that so many women resile from the feminist label is widely seen as a ‘failure’ of the women’s movement.

History – or should I say herstory – proves them wrong.